Ellen & Jacob Murray, Derbyshire.
"Sure Heart entered our lives when our daughter Jess was born. We didn't realise how much we needed them until she was about six and it dawned on us that she was a bit "different" from other children. She really wasn't applying herself at school or to her extra-curricular activities and she liked to spend a lot of time by herself not being sociable, so we consulted our Sure Heart advisor Samantha and were glad to find out that we weren't alone. Problem behaviour is, Samantha told us, common and we were relieved when she said that it could be quite painlessly eradicated. We learned how to use praise and incentives to build positive behaviour, as well as setting clear expectations and limits for Jess. Samantha taught us that child-rearing is a bit like dog-rearing. They've got to know who is boss and you've got to keep them on a tight leash. You can mould your child to be just the way you want them to be. Thanks to Sure Heart, Jess is now very nearly perfect. With a little more work she'll be the model child that we always dreamed of".
Sure Heart For The Right Start
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