Samm Hain was born in Framingham, Massachusetts during the blizzard of 78'. His interest in the arts, occult and otherwise, were likewise born in Framingham. Primarily a writer, he has been published in several now defunct magazines and two anthologies: 'The Best Of Konton Magazine' and 'Magick On The Edge'. Much of his early writings on the esoteric arts are archived at and He is currently a contributor to
About Samm's work:
"In the past most of what I wrote was not something I'd call art by any stretch, but it honed my skills. Like anything else the only way to get good at something is to do it. Ian Mckaye once said that the most important music is the music being made right now, and I think that holds true no matter the medium. Certainly I'm more excited and inspired by the artists I meet every day than I am by the writers of classic literature or painters and sculptors of well known masterpieces. What I want to do with the rest of my life is simple: create art that is beautifully brutal, art that is honest enough even as a work of fiction to literally change reality. Growing up, my friends and I were kids the world had thrown away, but we ended up creating a world so much better than the one that didn't want us. I think most artists today who are killing it as hard as those kids I grew up with, are similarly rejected by society, and it’s on us to help create a better alternative. To me if you're an artist you're a shaman, somewhere some kid is going to see or read your shit and it’s going to resonate so strongly with her or him that it will change them forever. It might even save their life.
So if you can't step up to that responsibility, fuck off, the world needs artists who care and who understand that art is more important than the people who make it, not rock star wannabes.
I guess I should also mention I'm finishing up a novel, and experimenting with visual art and literature at my new website I'm really excited about the site actually it will marry my years of experience in the trenches of the occult with my love of and dedication to creating art that has a life of its own. I've got some super talented guest contributors lined up too, so keep an eye out."
About Terra: Extremitas:
"I've known John online for years, but after meeting him and the FP crew and seeing them do their thing in Portland last year I've been chomping at the bit to do any kind of collaboration I can with those cats. When I talk about artists who get it, and who are killing it, FP is the gold standard as far as I'm concerned. Not limited to one medium, understanding what you can do with art, and executing it on a level that makes you want to up your game. I haven't been this excited about art since I was eleven, when I discovered Punk."
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